Wholesale Display Keçelok-9001T Digital Baking Oven factory Ragulator: Germahiya û pîşekarên | Taiquan Electric
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Keçelok-9001T Display Digital Baking Oven Ragulator: Germahiya

Short Description:

General description : TEL96, 72 series temperature indication regulator is new product of measuring and automatically adjusting the temperature parameters in the process of working.  It has following features:  • Small volume,  • Nice appearance,   • Light weight,  • Good reliability,  • Convenient installation,   • Strong anti-interference,  • Appropriate price  • And so on.    It is widely used in all kinds of baking machinery.   Main technical parameters: ✔   Model: TDA-9001T ✔   External...

  • Wadeya: L / C, D / A, D / P, T / T
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    description Giştî:

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    TEL96, 72 series regulator nîşaneya agirê berhemên nû yên pîvan û automatically nexşerêya Parametreyên germiya di pêvajoya xebatê de ye. Ev xwedî taybetiyên jêrîn:

     • volume Small,

     • xuya Nice, 

     • weight Light,

     • îtîbar baş,

     • sazkirina Convenient, 

     • Strong antî-midaxeleya,

     • price bikêr

     • Wate ya vê çîye. 


    Ev berfirehî di hemû cûreyên mekîne baking bikaranîn.


    Parametreyên teknîkî Main:

    ✔ Model: Keçelok-9001T

    ✔ size External: 120 x 60 x 110mm

    ✔ size Hole: 116 x 52mm

    ✔ dabînkirina hêzê Working: 220 / 380VAC, 50 / 60Hz

    ✔ range germahiyê: 0-300 ℃

    ✔ Accuracy: ≤ ± (1.0% F.S + 1 digit)

    ✔ type Mounting: installation bicîbûyî de

    ✔ rê Input: type K

    ✔ rê Output: contact Ferzê


    diagram Wiring:

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